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来源:湖北专升本网 整编:湖北自考网 时间:2016-04-23 浏览:25027



 ( )21. In those days we seldom went to the theatre, but we saw films

  A. now and then B. after a time C. once and again D. in a while

  ( )22. Many things impossible in the past are quite common today.

  A. having been considered B. to be considered

  C. considering D. considered

  ( )23. I'm not naturally a morning person, I have three clocks set for about 6:30 a.m.

  A. because B.so C. though D. all

  ( )24. that the family had taken with them was one bottle of orange.

  A. Anything B. Everything C. What D. All

  ( )25. The newspapers and magazines in the reading-room outside.

  A. are not to be taken B. are not to take

  C. are not to be taken to D. are not taken to

  ( )26. A pipeline will be built to some eastern provinces with natural gas from the west of China.

  A. supply B. send C. sell D. offer

  ( )27.Is it really necessary to spend an hour in the bathroom every morning your hair?

  A. to comb B. comb C. combing D. combs

  ( )28. he first heard of the chemist.

  A. That was from the teacher that B. It was the teacher whom

  C. It was from the teacher that D. That was the teacher whom

  ( )29. Passengers are advised not their bags unattended.

  A. having left B. to leave C. leave D. leaving

  ( )30. has been pointed out before, air pollution is becoming more and more serious in large cities.

  A.That B. What C. Which D. As

  ( )31.Your mother ____for you everywhere. Where have you been?

  A.had looked B.has been looking C.looked D.was looking

  ( )32.Mr. Wilson asked me if thse islands_________Italy.

  A.have been belonged to B.are belong to

  C.belong to D.belonged to

  ( )33.He _______TV when I dropped in last night.

  A.was watching B.had watched C.watched D.have been watching

  ( )34.He ______many experiences he ever_____in his childhood.

  A.gradually forget; had B.is gradually forgetting; had

  C.was gradually forgetting; had had D.have gradually forgotten; had

  ( )35.Accidents happened frequently at that section of the road, but no accidents_____since last winter.

  A.have accurred B.doesn't have C.didn't have D.hasn't have

  ( )36.When he_____a new word in reading he_____consult the dictionary immediately.

  A.comes across;likes to B.came across;like to

  C.has come across; like to D. comes across;like to

  ( )37.I hope that she______to the demands of the naughty boys.

  A.will not have agreed B.will not agree

  C.will not be agreed D.will not have been agreed

  ( )38."Is the monitor in?" "He _____to the library."

  A.has been B.has gone C.goes D.went

  ( )39.She gave me that notebook on my birthday, and I____it it in my drawer.

  A.have since kept B.since kept C.am since keeping D.had since kept

  ( )40.You ought to have put the milk in the refrigetor, now_____sour.

  A.it is smelt B.I smelt C.it smells D.it was smelling


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