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来源:湖北专升本网 整编:湖北自考网 时间:2016-04-23 浏览:25027



 ( )41.I bought the bread last week. It_____stale. You'd better not take it now.

  A.is going B.was C.had been D.is about to

  ( )42.He had already known the news before I _____him of it.

  A.had informed B.could inform C.would inform D.have informed

  ( )43.He_____for six years by the time he takes the IELTS examination next week.

  A.studied English B.had been studying English

  C.studies English D.will have been studying English

  ( )44.The school authorities and teachers _____over the advantages and disadvantages of the educational system.

  A.were always argued B.were always arguing

  C.had always argued D.had always been argued

  ( )45.When I saw her smiling face, I knew she_____the first prize of the speech contest.

  A.has B.has had C.had had D.was having

  ( )46.The united States______fifty states.

  A.consisted of B.is consisted of C.consistes of D.consists

  ( )47.The Chinese food_____delicious.

  A.are tasted B.taste C.is tasted D.tastes

  ( )48.Your hair needs_____. You'd better have it_____tomorrow.

  A.cutting; done B.cutting;to be done C.being cut;done D.to be cut;to be done

  ( )49._______,wood will soon burst into a flame.

  A.Heating B.when heating C.Being heated D.When heated

  ( )50."How do you like your new position?" "I_____with it."

  A.don't satisfy B.am not satisfied C.can't satisfy D.haven't satisfy

  ( )51.there are more than fifty proposals______at the conference.

  A.discussed B.to be discussed C.discussing D.having discussed

  ( )52.By the end of last year the railway_______.

  A.was being completed B.would be completed

  C.had completed D.had finally been completed

  ( )53.By the time the author comes back from abroad, all the books_______.

  A.will have punished B.will have been punished

  C.will be punished D.have been punished

  ( )54.I wondered____to come for the party.

  A.should he been asked B.he asked

  C.if he should have been asked D.if he should have asked

  ( )55.Some forms of physical education_____by schools across the nation.

  A.have been practised B.practised C.which practised D.have practised


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