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来源:湖北成人高考网 整编:湖北自考网 时间:2013-06-21 浏览:201



  一. 语音知识(共5小题,每题1.5分,共7.5分)


  1.A.July     B.hurry C.satisfy D.sky

  2.A.lesson B.quesion C.recent D.several

  3.A.call B.educate C.coat D.sociey

  4.A.visit B.task C.respect D.same

  5.A.afraid B.captain C.fail D.sailor.

  二. 词汇与语法知识(共15小题,每题1.5分,共22.5分)


  6. —World you help me with these books?


  A.With pleasure   B.Never mind    C.it’s fine   D.Don’t worry

  7.Everyone_____to bring some food to the party on Sunday.

  A.supposes  B.will supposes  C.is supposes   D.will be supposes

  8.—Do you have these shoes in size eight?

  .—I’m not sure.I’ll just go and_____our.

  A.sell     B.send       C.watch      D.find

  9.Lucy____ride a bike when she was three.

  A.should B.must C.could D.need

  10.The police told ____to stay in their cars.

  A.anybody B.everybody C.nobody D.somebody

  11.Something is wrong____my radio.Can you help fix it for me?

  A.for B.of C.on D.with

  12.—Is Tom coming with us?

  —He can’t—he____for his exams.

  A.prepares B.is preparing C.has prepared D.prepraed

  13.Follow me and I’ll show you____the library is.

  A.what B.when C.where D.which

  14.At the end of the year there____a test on everything we have studied.

  A.was B.will be C.would be D.has been

  15.The film star walked to his car,____by a crowd of fans.

  A.to follow B.following C.followed D.to be followed

  16.____I admire most about Lee is his love of nature.

  A.What B.How C.That D.Where

  17.Tim went to work on the farm last week,and____.

  A.his sister did so B .so his sister did

  C.did his sister so D.so did his sister

  18.Mike’s health has been____improved since he gave up smoking.

  A.much B.so C.too D.very

  19____a small business.Jane is able to support her family now.

  A.Run B.Ran C.Running D.To run

  20.We____ever word of the news.

  A.took down B.took off C.took away D.took ourt


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