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湖北研究生网 > 考研辅导 > 英语 > 2015年湖北考研英语作文万能模板:同事该有的品质 湖北考研英语辅导_考研英语辅导资料_湖北研究生考试网网站地图


来源:湖北自考网 时间:2014-05-13



  We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people, in your opinion ,what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)?Use reasons and specific example to explain why these characteristics are important.


  We spend more time with our co-workers during a week than we do with our family, Thus, it’s important for our co-workers to be people we can get along with. I’ve worked in a lot of offices, and I've found there are certain characteristics that all good co-workers have in common.

  A good co-worker is very cooperative, She does her best to get along with others.

  She tries to keep her end of things flowing smoothly to help others in the office. She

  realizes that if one person doesn't get her work done, it can hold up everyone else. She has a positive attitude that creates a pleasant working environment.

  A good co-worker is adaptable. She is not stubborn about changes in schedules or routines, and doesn't object to having her job description revised. That can make life miserable for everyone around her. A good co-worker is willing to change her schedule to accommodate another worker's emergency, She has no problem with new procedures and welcomes changes when they come.

  A good co-worker is helpful. She pitches in when someone falls behind in his or her work. She’s willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. She doesn't keep track of how often she has to finish another's work or take on extra work. Some co-workers do their own job, period. They have no sense of office community. They only want to do their work, get paid and go home.

  A good co-worker is a sympathetic listener, and never uses what she learns against people. she doesn’t gossip. A bad co-worker uses negative rumors to take advantage of others.

  Being a good co-worker isn't too hard, but some people just can't seem to manage it. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if everyone could?


"2015年湖北考研英语作文万能模板:同事该有的品质" 相关文章推荐


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