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湖北研究生网 > 考研辅导 > 英语 > 26天搞定2015年湖北考研英语核心词汇:第二十天 湖北考研英语辅导_考研英语辅导资料_湖北研究生考试网网站地图


来源:湖北自考网 时间:2014-07-05



  spark 火花,火星 The firework burst into a shower of ~s

  sparkle 发光,闪耀 Her eyes were sparkling with anger

  tentative 试验性的,试探性的,暂时的,推测的 a ~plan

  terminate 停止,结束,使终止 ~ a contract

  terrify 使害怕,使惊吓 She was terrified out of her wits

  testify 作证,证明 He agreed to ~ on behalf of the accused man

  humble 地位(或身份)低下的,卑贱的:a humble job

  hysterical 情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里的 an hysterical outburst of fury

  identical 同一的:the same (very)identical menu

  identify 识别,鉴别:He identified the coat as his Pother’s

  idle 闲散的,闲置的:idle money

  ignite点燃,使燃烧:ignite a stove fire with scraps of paper

  impose 征(税),加(负担,惩罚等)于(on, upon):impose additional tax on business expansion

  impulse 推动,驱动:give an impulse to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries

  intact 完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的:an intact family

  integrate使成一体,使合并(with, into):integrate traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine

  interfere 妨碍,冲突(with):Misty weather interfered with the contact

  intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的,周期性的:suffer from intermittent headaches

  hazard 危险,危害物,危险之源:a life full of hazards

  label 标签,标记,标号:put labels on your luggage

  lag 走得慢,落后,滞留:Some of the runners began to lag

  latent 潜在的,隐伏的,不易觉察的:a latent infection

  leak 漏洞,裂缝:The pipe has got a leak

  lean 斜,倾斜 the Leaning tower of Pisa

  initiate 开始,发起:initiate a conversation

  innovate 革新,改革,创新(in,on/upon):innovate on another’s creation

  inquire 询问,打听:He inquired what the weather was likely to be

  insert 插入,嵌入:In the pause he managed to inquire a question

  inspire 鼓舞,激起:His speech inspires the crowd

  tumble 跌到,滚下The baby is just learning to walk and he’s always tumbling over

  tune 曲调,曲子 She wrote the words of the song and her Pother wrote the ~

  turbulent 骚乱的,动荡的,混乱的,狂暴的a ~ crowd

  turn 转动,旋转Turn the hands of the clock until they point to 9 O’clock

  tutor 家庭教师,指导教师 When the students are making their choices, their ~ may well guide them

  twinkle 闪烁,闪耀,闪亮 The diamond on her finger ~d in the firelight

  twist 捻,搓,绞,拧 ~ a rope out of threads

  whistle 吹口哨,鸣笛 The train ~d

  whitewash 粉饰

  wholesome 有益于健康的 ~ surroundings

  wicked 坏的,邪恶的,淘气的,恶作剧的 ~ habits

  tease 戏弄,取笑 The boy is teasing the cat

  tedious 单调乏味的,冗长的,罗嗦的a ~ debate

  liable 会……的,有……倾向的 We are all liable to make mistakes

  liberal 慷慨的,大方的 a liberal donation

  limp 软的,松沓的 a young man in a limp gray sweater

  linger逗留,徘徊 The children lingered at the zoo until closing time

  luPicate 使润滑 luPicate the skin with cold cream

  lump块,小方块 a lump of coal


"26天搞定2015年湖北考研英语核心词汇:第二十天" 相关文章推荐


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