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湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2013-02-23 14:54:28








1. After he gave a report about the school, Mr Wang _______ the visitors around it.

A. went on to show B. went on showing

C. went on with showing  D. kept on showing

2.--What is the model plane look like? --Well, the wings of the plane are ____of its body.

 A. more than the length twice B. twice more than the length

 C. more than twice the length  D. more twice than the length

 3. It’s too late to go out now._____, it’s starting to rain.

 A. Besides  B. Meanwhile

C. However D.Anyhow

4. Old as the car is, ___ it works quite well.

A. and  B. yet

C. so D. however

5. “________of them are not here.” means “____of them are not here.”

A. All; Some B. Both; Every

 C. Both; Neither  D. All; Both

6. The college entrance examination is coming; the students are ____ it.

A. preparing B. prepared for

C. prepared D. preparing for

7. While ____ in the room, we were all very excited.

 A. waited  B. waiting

 C. to wait  D. wait

8. -- “Are you _______from America?” -- “No, neither of us.”

 A. each B. both

 C. all  D. neither

9. She asked ______ we were getting on well with our work.

A. how B. if

C. what  D. that

10.As ____ matter of fact, there was ____ exploration in _____ last house I visited.

A. a, an, the  B. the, an, a

C. a, the, the D. the, a, a

11. -- The boy is tall enough ___ his age. --Yes, I was much _____ when I was his age.

A. to; shorter B. at; taller

C. at; shorter D. for; shorter

12. The food tastes _____ and sells _____.

 A. well; well  B. good; good

 C. good; well D. well; good

13. Jack is a good friend ______; he often comes to our home for a visit.

 A. of my father  B. of my father’s

 C. for my father  D. with my father

14. Why not trust and use David? He is still as strong as_____ in the team.

A. somebody else B. everybody else

C. anybody else D. nobody else

15.In our country every boy and every girl ____ the right to education.

 A. has B. have

 C. is  D. are

16.The boy said he wouldn’teat _____.

A. any longer  B. no longer

C. any more  D. no more

17.My sister is very keen _____ art.

A. at B. on

C. in D. for

18. It hasn’trained for a month. The garden needs ____.

A. water B. to water

C. to be watering D. watering

19.He’s been _____a new project which has to be finished by the end of next year.

 A. working out B. working on

 C. figuring out  D. making out

20. Nobody should be deprived _____ the right to education.

 A. from  B. of

 C. away D. off

II.阅读理解。认真阅读下列两篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在“答题纸”上将所选答案的字母涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共1 0小题,每小题2分,共20分)

Passage One

The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of September 1666. In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city, where most of the houses were wooden and close together. One hundred thousand people became homeless, but only a few lost their lives.

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King’s baker(面包师) in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family, was able to get out through a window in the roof. A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery (面包房) into a small hotel next door. Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the eginning.

By eight o’clock three hundred houses were on fire. On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul’s and the Guildhall were among them.

 Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire. People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment. Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.

The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the paths of the fire. With nothing left to burn , the fire became weak and finally died out.

After the fire, Christopher Wren ,the architect , wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone. In fact, the streets are still narrow, but he did build more than fifty churches, and the new St Paul’s is among them.

  The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place : a city for the future and not just of the past.

21. The fire began in ____.

 A. a hotel B. the palace

 C. Pudding Lane D. Thames Street

22. The underlined word “family” in the second paragraph means _____.

A. home B. children

C. wife and husband D. wife and children

23. It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that______.

A. some people lost their lives B. the birds in the sky were killed by the fire

C. many famous buildings were destroyed  D. the King’s bakery was burned down

24. Why did the writer cite (引用)Samuel Pepys ?

A. Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire.

B. Because Pepys also wrote about the fire.

C. To show that poor people suffered most.

D. To give the reader a clearer picture of the fire.

25. How was the fire put out according to the text?

A. The King and his soldiers came to help.

B. All the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.

C. People managed to get enough water from the river.

D. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down.

Passage Two

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside of it and to go into their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.

 One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.

 Then, in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains or buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends and on summer evenings. One can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering and doing the hundred and one other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward( 回报,奖赏) of one who has shared the secret of Nature.



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