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湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2012-03-05 16:54:56


Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(15 points)
1.She was invited to go to the ball but she did not even have ______ to go with her dress.
A.a piece of jewelry  B.piece of jewelry
C.a jewelry  D.one jewelry
2.I'd like to have ______ with you sometime this week about your approaching exams.
A.a word   B.some word 
C.some words  D.one word
3.What _______ honest man he is!
A.a   B./ 
C.the  D. an
4.Tomorrow it will be cloudy, with a few sunny ______ .
A. intervals  B.periods 
C.steps  D.instance
5.The coach felt that he was responsible ______his team's total failure in the championships.
A.at   B.for 
C.in  D.on
6._______to the dinner party, he went to a movie to kill time.
A.Not to be invited   B.Not having been invited
  C.Having not been invited  D.Not having invited
7.In many parts of the world the only _______ water supply lies below the ground.
  A.continuous   B.permanent 
C.instant  D.constant
8.He is determined to get _______ of the profit than he had been offered.
  A.ten percent more   B.ten more percent
  C.more ten percent  D.as many as ten percent
9.The temple was built on a hillside, _______was a pleasant,winding valley.
  A.by which   B.under which 
C.below which  D.down which
10.I would have gone with you,but I _______too tired.
  A.was   B.had been 
C.must be  D.must have been
11.Mark often attempts to escape _______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
  A.having been fined   B.to have been fined
C.to be fined  D.being fined
12.We didn't know his telephone number;otherwise we _______ him.
  A.would have telephoned   B.must have telephoned
  C.would telephone  D.had telephoned
13.That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but _______ the police.
  A.called in   B.calling in 
C.call in  D.to call in
14.They took _______ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping.
  A.fruitful    B.beneficial 
C.valid  D.effective
15.Until then,his family __________ from him for six months.
  A.didn't hear   B.hasn't been hearing
C.hasn't heard  D.hadn't heard

Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.(15 points)
Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the 20th century.Early in the 1900s most American towns and cities had a Main Street.Main Street was always in the heart of a town.This street was   16   on both sides with many various businesses. Here,shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of merchandise:clothing, furniture, hardware,groceries.   17   ,some shops offered   18   .These shops included drugstores,restaurants, shoe repair stores,and barber or hairdressing shops.   19   in the 1950s,a change began to   20  .Too many automobiles had crowded into Main Street   21
too few parking places were   22   shoppers.Because the streets were crowded,merchants began to look with interest at the open spaces   23   the city limits.Open space is what their car driving customers needed.And open space is what they got when the first shopping center was built.Shopping centers,or rather malls,  24   as a collection of small new stores   25   
crowded city centers.Attracted by hundreds of free parking space,customers were drawn away from   26   areas to outlying malls.And the growing   27   of shopping centers led   28
to the building of bigger and better stocked stores.   29    the late 1970s,many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.In addition to providing the convenience of one stop shopping, malls were transformed into landscaped parks,   30   benches,fountains,and outdoor entertainment.
 16.A.built   B.designed   C.intended  D.lined
 17.A.Apart from   B.However   C.In addition  D.As well
 18.A.medical care   B.food   C.cosmetics D.services
 19.A.Suddenly   B.Abruptly   C.Contrarily  D.But
 20.A.be taking place  B.take place   C.be taken place  D.have taken place
 21.A.while   B.yet   C.though  D.and then
 22.A.available for   B.available to   C.used by  D.ready for
 23.A.over   B.from   C.out of  D.outside
 24.A.started   B.founded   C.set up  D.organized
 25.A.out of   B.away from   C.next to  D.near
 26.A.inner   B.central   C.shopping  D.downtown
 27.A.distinction   B.fame   C. popularity  D.1iking
 28.A.on   B.in turn   C.by turns  D.further
 29.A.By   B.During   C.In  D.Towards
 30.A.because of   B.and   C.with  D.provided

  Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts.(10 points)
31.I attended the funeral with them and sat through it with a lump of cold lead in my chest and a big resolution growing through me.
A.Throughout the funeral,I was filled with sadness.
B.The sad atmosphere of the funeral almost choked me.
  C.At the funeral I felt as cold as lead from beginning to end.
  D.All the time I sat at the funeral with a heart as heavy as lead.
32.I don't think I'd have dared to approach you if you'd looked the least bit as I always imagined.
  A.If you had been more handsome I wouldn't have had the courage to come over and speak to you. 
  B.If I had found you as handsome as I had always imagined,I wouldn't have spoken to you.
  C.It was only when I found you didn't look smart at all that I decided to speak to you.
  D.It was only when I found you less handsome that I was that I have the courage to speak to you.
33.When Hughie came in he found Trevor putting the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size  picture of a beggar-man.
  A.Trevor was adding some decorations 
  B.Trevor was making some correction.



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