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英语(一)英语(二)重点难点分析(5) -自考串讲笔记

湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2008-11-08 16:08:46

  定语 This is a swimming poor. ( a poor for swimming)

  This is a hiding place ( a place for hiding )

  宾语 I enjoy studying (mind, keep, appreciate, can't help, consider, postpone,suggest,admit etc.)

  Do you mind my smoking here

  介词 + 宾语

  I used to doing. (confess to, look forward to, object to doing sth.)

  be involve in, consist of, be fond of, etc.



  状语 When I saw the film, I felt sad = Seeing the film, I felt sad.

  Because it is Sunday today, we have no school.

  It being Sunday, we have no school.

  When the job was finished, we went home straight away.

  The job finished, we went home straight away.

  定语 The boy standing there is a classmate of mine.

  =The boy who is standing there is a classmate of mine.

  The used car. A broken cup the question involved.

  表语 The film is exciting. All the windows are broken.

  宾补 I found them watering flowers.( I found that they were watering flowers.

  I found the flowers watered. ( I found the flowers watered)

  分词的时态和语态 .( 形同动名词 )

  doing (being) being done

  having done having been done

  ______nothing to say, the boy shield way form the crowd.

  A. Having B. Have C Had. D. Having being

  What developed was a music readily taking ( take) on various forms.

  Not having got (not get) enough hands, she had great difficulty in accomplishing the task.


  1. Anyone wanting (want) to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robotics.

  2 . A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted (convict)of murder.

  3. As research techniques become more advanced, the number of animals used ( use) in experiments may decrease.

  Not have got (not, get)enough hands she had great difficulty in accomplishing the task .

  It is a well-known fact that a person will move in a circle when he cannot use his eyes to control ( control) his direction.

  As I'll be away for a year , I'd appreciate hearing (hear)from you now and then .

  Object to , confess to , look forward to + doing.

  介词 + doing.

  If I had remembered —— the window, the thief would not have got in.

  a. to close b. closing c. to have close d. having closed.

  Begin, start, intend, continue to do, doing 的区别不大

  The baby began crying. The baby began to cry.




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