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湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2013-02-23 14:57:26








Ⅰ.语法、词汇。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将“答题纸”的 相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)

1. ______ English, they have to study a second foreign language.

A. Except  B. Except for 

C. Besides  D. Beside

2. Without trees our world ______ a much drier place.

A. is  B. will be 

C. would be  D. must be

3.I would have gone with you, but I ______ too tired.

A. was  B. had been 

C. must be  D. must have been

4. His father was an under-paid worker, ______ hard life turned him into a rebel.

A. whose  B. which 

C. of whose  D. of which

5. The electricity was cut off while the film ______ .

A. was shown  B. was to show 

C. was showing  D. was being shown

6.What ______ honest man he is.

 A.a B./ 

C. the  D. an

7. I’d like to have ______ with you sometime this week about your approaching examination.

A. a word  B. some word 

C. some words  D. one word

8. Only in recent years ______ begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm.

A. people have  B. since people have 

C. have people  D. people who have

9. ______ makes mistakes must correct them.

A. What  B. That 

C. Whoever  D. Whatever

10. It worried her a bit ______ her hair was turning gray.

A. while  B. that 

C. if D. for

11. Have you seen Henry lately? My boss wants to know ______ .

A. how he is getting along  B. how is he getting along

C. what he is getting along  D. what is he getting along

12.I don’t know how to get Susan to give up smoking, but I’m going to do it ______ .

A. in any case  B. in no case 

C. by some means  D. by no means

13. Human beings ______ a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects.

A. oblige  B.owe 

C. thank  D. gratitude

14. ______ , the worse I seem to feel.

A. When I take some medicine  B. The more medicine I take

C. Taking more of the medicine  D. The more medicine taken

15. He spoke so ______ that even his opponents were impressed by his words.

A. frankly  B. clearly 

C. convincingly  D. loudly

Ⅱ.完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案,并将“答题纸”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均无分。(本大题共1 5小题,每小题1分,共15分)

There is a workman in America who earns as much as a company director. He is Max Quarterman, a thirty-year-old plasterer(泥瓦匠).

Max lives in an upper middle-class housing estate. His   16   are mostly bank managers, business executives, airline pilots and the like, but Max’s seven-bedroom house—   17   $ 80,000—is the largest in the area.   18   outside the house are Max’s $7000 sports car and his wife’s Morris Mini.   19   is a 150 color TV set and the family’s pride— a circular bath with gold-plated taps. There are also many labor—saving   20   and luxury(豪华) furniture.

How can a plasterer   21   all this? The answer, says Max, is hard work. In partnership with another plasterer, Max does contract plastering jobs for a firm. The owner of the firm   22  

them as human machines, the best and quickest in the   23   , who can do as much in two days as any two-man team can in two weeks.

How do they   24   it? Not by working overtime. They work a normal eight-hour day, five days a week. The secret   25   in Max’s hod(桶) in which he carries the plaster(石膏) to the site of the job. Max’s is a superhod—it contains double the usual weight of plaster, and Max, a strong fellow, runs when he carries it. More time is thus   26   to get on with the plastering. Besides,   27   man wastes time smoking, and they   28   their lunch break to a   29   of an hour a day. Now Max earns over $800 a week which is four times the average weekly pay in America today, and if he gets as   30   as $150, it’s a disaster.

16. A. friends  B. neighbors 

C. relatives  D. colleagues

17.A.worthy  B. spending 

C. costing  D. worth

18. A. Stopped  B. Stopping

C. Parked  D. Parking

19.A.Indoors  B. Outdoors 

C. Nearby  D. Inside

20. A. objects  B. devices 

C. articles  D. materials

21.A.buy  B. use 

C. afford  D. provide

22.A.tells  B. says 

C. compares  D. describes

23.A.trade  B. job 

C. area  D. walk

24.A. manage  B. get 

C. do  D. finish

25.A. is  B. lies 

C. hides  D. falls

26.A.left  B. needed 

C. spent  D. kept

27.A. both  B. either 

C. neither  D. each

28.A.have  B. cut 

C. miss  D. spend

29.A.time  B. period 

C. limit  D. total

30.A. much  B. little 

C. more  D. less


31. As long as we could look forward to getting a drink [of that water] later, there was something to live for.

A. We were all eager to drink that water.

B. We shouldn’t just live for a drink of water.

C. If we had drunk up the water, we would be dead.

D. We needed something to live for, and now it was the hope of getting a drink of that water.

32. If they [parents] give in, they feel regret and resentment over having been a pushover.

 A. They make up their mind to be more strict.

B. They never regret that they have given in.

C. They feel upset that they haven’t been kind enough.

D. They are sorry and angry that they haven’t been firm enough.

33. What was a butterfly to do among bulls and bears?

A. It was absolutely impossible for a butterfly to win when competing with bulls and bears.

B. He was doomed to failure in the stock market because he was always expecting too much.

C. A person who couldn’t sett



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