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湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2012-06-27 15:49:24



1. The man in the store won’t change money for him ______ he buys something.
A. if  B. or
C. but  D. unless
2. The old harbor is still full of pleasant atmosphere and well worth ______.
A. visit  B. to visit
C. to be visited  D. visiting
3. The car often breaks down and we must have it ______ thoroughly.
A. check  B. checked
C. to check  D. checking
4. If she ______ here last night, I would have told her the good news.
A. came  B. had come
C. would come  D. was coming
5. Can you tell me ______ about this city that makes people love it so much?
A. it is what  B. what it is
C. what is it  D. is it what
6. By the time you get to the shopping mall, the stores ______.
A. have been closed  B. are to be closed
C. will have been closed  D. are being closed
7. ______ , our next step is to determine how to carry it out.
A. Having made the plan  B. Making the plan
C. The plan is being made  D. The plan having been made
8. Some English words can have different meanings depending on the ______ in which they are used.
A. context  B. contact
C. content  D. contrast
9. It ______ artificial, but at that price what can you expect?
A. eats  B. flavors
C. chews  D. tastes
10. I ______ hope that these very unfortunate people will not be forgotten.
A. sincerely  B. seriously
C. honestly  D. frankly
11. We had to ______ a lot of noise when the children were at home.
A. come up with  B. catch up with
C. put up with  D. keep up with
12. When I was eighteen I was independent ______ my parents.
A. on  B. of
C. to  D. with
13. The water was so clear that it ______ the trees on the river bank.
A. shadowed  B. presented
C. reflected  D. shaded
14. In this advanced course students must take objective tests at monthly ______.
A. length  B. period
C. intervals  D. gaps
15. The ______ majority of people do not actually attend sports events, but see them through the eyes of the media.
A. main  B. wide
C. big  D. vast

Bridge is a structure used by people and vehicles to cross areas that are obstacles to travel. Without bridges, people would need   16   to cross waterways and would have to travel around such obstacles   17   canyons and valleys.
Bridges range   18   from a few feet or meters to several miles or kilometers. A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight   19   the weight of the people and vehicles that use it. It must also   20   natural occurrences, including earthquakes, strong winds, and changes in temperature.
Most bridges are held up by at least two supports set in the ground. The   21   between two adjacent supports is called a span of a bridge. The supports at each   22   of the bridge are called abutments (桥墩), and the supports that   23   between the two abutments are called piers. Most short bridges are supported only by abutments and are known as   24   -span bridges. Bridges that have one or more piers   25   the abutments are called multi-span bridges. Most long bridges are multi-span bridges. The main span is the longest span of a multi-span bridge.
Suspension bridges (吊桥) are perhaps the most   26   type of bridge because of their long main span and especially attractive   27   . These bridges have a roadway that hangs from steel cables that are supported by two high towers. Suspension bridges are used to   28   great distances. They are also used to cross deep water or steep canyons, and in other places   29   the construction of piers is especially difficult and   30   . These bridges require only two piers, each of which supports a tower.
16. A. buses  B. planes  C. trains  D. boats
17. A. like  B. as  C. with  D. to
18. A. in height  B. in depth  C. in length  D. in width
19. A. as well as  B. by means of  C. except for  D. according to
20. A. prevent  B. resist  C. beat  D. fight
21. A. space  B. extent C. distance  D. stretch
22. A. end  B. side  C. way  D. part
23. A. run  B. remain  C. stay  D. stand
24. A. sole  B. unique  C. single  D. simple
25. A. in proportion to  B. in addition to C. in place of  D. in front of
26. A. impressive  B. expressive  C. productive  D. constructive
27. A. existence  B. appearance  C. quality  D. ability
28. A. measure  B. move  C. extend  D. span
29. A. while  B. when  C. where  D. which
30. A. profitable  B. practical  C. necessary  D. expensive

31. Many apparently naive inquiries like why grass is green, or why the Sun is round, or why we need 55,000 nuclear weapons in the world—are really deep questions. The answers can be a gateway to real insights.
A. ...The answers are accurate in meaning.
B. …The answers can lead us to new findings.
C. …The answers are the key to great human achievements.
D. …The answers can help us get a deep understanding of things.
32. Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very ideal of heroism is something beyond us—an artifact of the past.
A. …extraordinary heroes are rare...
B. …we can never become as good as heroes...
C. …heroism is a complex concept and hard to grasp...
D. …the underlying meaning of heroism is hard to understand...
33. “An artist’s heart is his head,” replied Trevor; “and besides, our business is to show the world as we see it, not to make it better.”
A. …the artist’s duty is to reflect the reality, not to improve it.
B. …the artist’s job is to make drawings of the earth instead of other planets.
C. …the artist’s business is to paint anything real, not to use his imagination.
D. ...the artist’s responsibility is to create images rather than reflecting the reality.
34. It [getting my Berlin diaries out] was risky, but life in the Third Reich had always been risky. It was worth a try.
A. I would try it, although it was very dangerous, just like life in the Third Reich.
B. I would try it, although it might make my life in the Third Reich more dangerous.
C. No matter how dangerous life in the Third Reich was, I would get my Berlin diaries out.
D. The dangerous life in the Third Reich would be unforgettable if I could get my Berlin diaries out.
35. These hands spoke of the stubbornness of mankind.
A. These hands referred to the hard work and power of mankind.
B. These hands demonstrated the wisdom an



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