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湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2005-10-21 00:00:00

  1. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become_____.

  a. hurt b.tamed c.destroyed d.spoiled

  答案: d

  解析: 句意为:“过分受父母保护的孩子可能会被惯坏”。hurt“指对身体或感情上的伤害”。destroy“毁坏,消灭”。tame“驯服”。spoil“宠坏,惯确良坏”。spoiled的过去分词形式也可看做是形容词“宠坏了的”。

  2. I‘ve been telling you_____not to do that,but you neve listened to me.That’s why you got into trouble.

  a.at times b.time before time c.time and again d.for the time being

  答案: c

  解析: time and again相当于“time and time again”,意思是“一次又一次地,再三地”,正合题意。at times指“有时,偶尔”。for the time being意思是“暂时”。不存在b项这种表达法。

  3. _____he speaks softly is no proof that he is kind.

  a.Since b.As c.That d.Because

  答案: c

  解析: that做主语从句he speaks softly的引导词,没有实际意义。

  4. Being extremely_____to the cold,I do not like skating.

  a.sensitive b.senseless c.insensitive d.sensible

  答案: a

  解析: sensitive“对某事很敏感”,后跟介词to.本句意思是:“我对冷很敏感,所以不喜欢滑冰。”

  5. I don‘t feel like_____anything now.

  a.to eat b.eating c.having eaten d.to be eating

  答案: b

  解析: “feel like+doing sth.”,表示“想做某事”,后面只能跟动名词形式。

  6. I will do the clearing if you see_____the lunch.

  a.out b.off c.to d.through

  答案: c

  解析: see to sth.“料理,负责处理”;see sb.out of“送某人到外面去”;see sb. off“送站(在火车站、机场、码头等地)送人”;see through sb.or sth.“看穿某人或某事”。从句意看,显然选项c意思合适。

  7. It was not until she had finished all her work_____.

  a.did she return b.that she returned c.when she returned d.that did she return

  答案: b

  解析: “it is not until that……”是强调句型,“that”引导的从句用正常语序,而以“not until……”开头的句子中谓语要用倒装形式。

  8. He didn‘t seem to mind_____the music while he was studying.

  a.them listening b.them to listen to c.when she returned d.that did she return

  答案: c

  解析: “mind+动名词”表示介意某事。表示介意某人做某事用“mind one/one‘s doing sth.”。另外,listen是不及物动词,后面必须跟介词to.

  9. It seems as if the sun_____round the earth since it rises in the east and sets in the west.

  a.circles b.is circling c.has been circling d.were circling

  答案: d

  解析: “as if”“似乎,好象”,太阳并不是绕着地球转,所以后面应该与事实相反的假设,要用虚拟语气。需要特别指明的是:“如果是一般的客观规律的陈述,则用一般现在时”。

  10._____all the representatives still not there,the meeting was postponed for several hours.

  a.Because b.With c.By d.Without

  答案: b

  解析: with加名词短语,表示原因,本句意思为:“因为所有的代表还没有到场,会议被推迟了好几个小时”。而because(因为)引导的是原因状语从句,其后必须是个从句。by为“到……为止”。

  11.If he_____the storekeeper‘s scissors,he would have forgotten to buy a pair.

  a.would not see b.had not seen c.having not seen d.has not seen

  答案: b

  解析: 本题测试的是虚拟语气的用法,其中的条件从句用过去完成时had done,主句谓语用would/couldmight have+done.

  12.Copernicus maintained that the earth_____round the sun.

  a.moves b.moved c.moving d.move

  答案: a

  解析: 表述永恒的真理或客观规律用一般现在时,不管主句谓语用什么时态。而“地球绕着太阳转”是客观规律,所以选a

  13.My wallet is nowhere to be found.I_____it when I was on the bus.

  a.must drop b.should have dropped c.had dropped d.must have dropped

  答案: d

  解析: must have+done用于推断过去某个时间肯定发生了的事情。

  14.His article is better than_____in the class.

  a.anyone‘s b.anyone else c.anyone else’s d.anyone‘s else

  答案: c

  解析: anyone else指除了句中提到的“他”之外的任何人,本句进行比较的是“文章”而不是人,因此选用不定式所有格anyone else‘s.

  15.There isn‘t much milk_____is left in the bottle.

  a.what b.which c.whatever d.that

  答案: d

  解析: 在不定式词much,或由much修饰的名词之后一般用关系代词that引导定语从句。

  16.I can speak_____German.

  a.either Russian nor b.neither Russian or c.no Russian nor d.neither Russian nor

  答案: d

  解析: 表示否定的并列连词neither……nor可以引导两个并列的名词、形容词、副词或动词。

  17.He was very_____to go,but he had no choice.

  a.ready b.willing c.reluctant d.hesitant

  答案: c

  解析: reluctant“不愿的,勉强的”:“他非常不愿意去,但他别无选择”,所以,reluctant用的本句合适。hesitant“踌躇的,犹豫的”;ready“准备好的”;willing“愿意的”。

  18.He drove fast and arrived an hour_____of schedule.

  a.in advance b.ahead c.abreast d.in front

  答案: b

  解析: ahead of“提前,预先”,ahead of schedule“比规定时间提前”,正合题意。本句意为“他开得很快,比规定时间早到了1小时。”in advance“事先,提前”,后面不跟介词。in front of“在……前面”,表示位置,所以此处不合题意。

  19.The girl who found the ring received a generous_____of five pounds.

  a.prize b.allowance c.income d.reward

  答案: d

  解析: reward“赏金,报酬”主要指“做了好事时被给予的酬谢”,用在本句正合适。prize“奖品,奖金”,主要指“赢得的奖励”;allowance“补贴”;income“收入”。

  20.William has cut his smoking_____to five cigarettes a day.

  a.down b.short c.away d.off

  答案: a

  解析: cut down“削减,减少”;cut sth. down to“把……减到(什么程度)”,是固定搭配,而且符合题意。

  21.Those people_____a general understanding of the present situation.

  a.lack of b.are lacking of c.lack d.are in lack

  答案: c

  解析: lack (vt.) “缺乏,缺少”,直接跟宾语。作名词用时用lack of.

  22.It‘s_____my power to make final decision on the matter.

  a.off b.out c.above d.beyond

  答案: d

  解析: beyond“在……之外”,beyond one‘s power“超出某人的能力”。

  23.“It was very cold testerday.”


  a.So was it b.So it was c.It so was d.Was it so

  答案: b

  解析: so当“确实如此,是这样”讲,主语与上一句的主语一致时,后跟陈述语序。当主语与前句的主语不一致,表示后者也如此时,so用倒装语序。

  24._____you understand this rule,you‘ll have no difficulty in dealing with such problems.

  a.While b.Though c.Unless d.Once

  答案: d

  解析: once意思是“一旦”。while“当……时候”;though“虽然”;unless“除非”。“一旦你明白了这个规则,处理类似的问题就不困难了。”显然,d符合句子意思的表达需要。

  25.Your bike needs_____.You‘d better do i right now.

  a.clean b.to be clean c.being cleaned d.to clean

  答案: b

  解析: need+to be done或need+doing都表示被动的动作。类似的动词还有want,require等。他们都是后面跟动名词的主动式或不定式的被动式。

  26.The driver pulled_____at the traffic lights.

  a.in b.off c.up d.out

  答案: c

  解析: pull up“(车、马)停下”,符合句意。pull in“(火车)缓缓进站,(车辆)靠边停下”;pull out“(车、船)驶出,(司机)超车”;pull off“努力实现(计划等)”。

  27.Both of my brothers are now married,so I have two_____.

  a.sister-ins-law b.sisters-in-law c.sisters-in-law d.sister-in-law

  答案: b

  解析: “名词+副词/介词”或“副词/介词+名词”的复合



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