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湖北自考网 来源: 时间:2009-08-31 00:00:00


Section I: Basic Theories and Principles                         20 points
Questions 1-10 are based on this part.
Directions: Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.
1. Grammar-Translation method is (      )
A. the language teaching method based on the study of texts in the target language, which has to be explained and analyzed in the mother tongue and then translated.
B. the language teaching method based on the study of functions of the target language, which has to be explained and analyzed in the target language.
C. the language teaching method based on the study of nature of language activities.
D. the language teaching method based on the study of grammar and translation.
2. An eclectic approach (      )
A. refers to the way of language teaching reflecting mainly the Grammar Translation Method.
B. refers to the way of language teaching and learning in which some aspects of most methods are applied.
C. refers to the way of language teaching reflecting mainly the Audio-Lingual Method.
D. refers to the way of language teaching reflecting mainly the Humanist Approach.
3. Communicative competence refers to (      )
A. a person’s ability with which he is able to use the language to do things, and to measure his success or failure by the response of others.
B. a person’s skills in what to say and how to say it.
C. a person’s competence in when to say something to whom.
D. a person’s competence in where and in what manner to say something.
4. The Natural Order (      )
A. consists of listening to a great deal of language input, then speaking, and then reading a great deal of meaningful input, which is formally taught, and finally writing.
B. consists of listening to a great deal of meaningful language input, then speaking, and then reading a great deal of meaningful input, which is formally taught, and finally writing.
C. consists of reading a great deal of language input, then speaking, then listening to a great deal of meaningful input, which is formally taught, and finally writing.
D. consists of reading a great deal of language input, then speaking, and then listening to a great deal of input, which is formally taught, and finally grammar.
5. Spoken and written English (      )
A. share the same grammar notions and are analyzed in the same way.
B. are different because one is very simple while the other is difficult.
C. have two different kinds of complexity.
D. share the same vocabulary.
6. Skimming is (      )
A. careful reading of the whole text.
B. the way of reading in which the reader usually moves his eyes over the text very quickly just in order to get some specific information of it or decide whether it is worth reading more deeply or not.
C. the way of reading in which the reader usually moves his eyes over the text very quickly just in order to get the gist of it or decide whether it is worth reading more deeply or not.
D. to locate some particular information in the passage.
7. Authenticity (      )
A. refers to a text which is written for learners of the language in the world with some language control and artificiality.
B. refers to a text which is written with a simplified style for the convenience of learners of the language.
C. refers to the language that native speakers and learners of the language would use to each other.
D. refers to a text which is written for native speakers to read or spoken for native speakers to listen to.
8. Which of the following belongs to Audio-lingual Method of language teaching? (      )
A. Errors were tolerated in case they may not lead to bad habit formation and not all correct language was accepted in the classroom.
B. Mother tongue use was also accepted, so the languages to be heard or spoken were both the target language and the mother tongue in order to encourage the learners to think in both languages.
C. Behaviorist psychology was the basis of the Audio-lingual Method of language teaching, which involved giving the learners stimuli in the form of prompts, and praising the correct responses or punishing an incorrect response, until the right one was given.
D. The syllabus was usually structurally based and the classroom tasks were all in drill form. Emphasis was laid upon using oral language in the classroom, some task-based learning activities were encouraged for more language output.
9. Register (      )
A. refers to the use of words which require a constant context for each other.
B. refers to the use of words which require an appropriate context for one word.
C. refers to the use of words which require an appropriate context for each other in certain situations.
D. refers to the use of words which require an appropriate context for each other.
10. Which of the following is a communicative activity? (      )
A. Students make sentences following the given pattern or sentence structure.
B. Students read aloud a dialogue in the textbook.
C. Students present their own ideas or opinions on a certain topic.
D. The teacher refers to a picture which everyone in the class can see and asks questions about the picture.
Section II: Problem Solving                                 30 points
DIRECTIONS: Situations in classroom teaching are provided here. In each situation there are some problems. Firstly, identify the problems; secondly, provide your own solutions according to the communicative language teaching principles and explain in details.
1. The stages of course design. Put the following stages of course design in the correct order:
A. selection of contents; B. diagnosis of needs; C. determination of what to evaluate and how to evaluate it D. formulation of objectives; E. selection of learning experiences (tasks/activities/exercises/etc.) F. organization of contents; G. organization of learning experiences
Stage 1________
Stage 2________
Stage 3________
Stage 4________
Stage 5________
Stage 6________
Stage 7________
2. Characteristics of a good learner of second language. List here at least eleven characteristics that a good learner of second language has.
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
9. ________
10. ________
11. ________
3. List twelve important qualities you think that a good teacher must have.
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
9. ________
10. ________
11. ________
12. ________
Section III: Mini-lesson Plan or Text Analysis                  50 points
DIRECTIONS: Read the following text carefully and complete the teaching plan according to instructions.
Design lesson plan activities for the text provided below. Your lesson plan should include the following aspects:
1. Aims of the lesson
2. Name (s) of activity(i



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